Simon Zambrovski

"One Cannot Not Communicate" – Watzlawick

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Wie schon erwähnt, habe ich heute am 29. Internationalem Airport Race in Hamburg teilgenommen. Um 10:00 bin ich mit meinen treuen Laufkumpels und Nachbarn Arndt und Steffen mit dem Fahrrad losgefahren und war gegen 10:20 bereits auf dem Gelände von LSV. Raus aus dem Stadion geht es Weg Beim Jäger hoch, dann bis zum Flughafen, […]

Some of you noticed my interest in jogging. The reason for that were my preparations for my first half-marathon. On June 23 at 10:00 I started with other 6321 runners from the Hamburg Reeperbahn towards the harbour, along the Elbe, through the Wallring tunnel, over the Kennedy Bridge towards the Outer Alster from the east […]

Last friday I was visiting the Nordic Coding event in Kiel, in Northern Germany. The event was a nice unwinder with three promiment speakers: Martin Lippert, Jan Köhnlein and Ralf Ebert. Moderated by Sven Efftinge from itemis the event was a full success with neary 50 visitors. After three talks, we relaxed by some finger […]