In September 2012 I had finally the possibility to take part on the creative photo workshop with Harald Mante. I never been to one before, so I had no idea, what to expect. The workshop started on Friday and continued eight days until Saturday with a small exhibition of the results on Sunday. In the end, it was really exciting and more than worth to take part in it.
The workshop started early in the morning with a theory part, told us by Harald using masses of dias, shot by himself. The theory covered subjects as composition, color and form, photographin in series and sequnces and others. Harald is famous for his teaching classes on color photography and it’s a real pleasure to listen to his story telling. After midday we went out to make pictures and tried to put in practice what we just learned. In the afternoon we came back to the classroom and showed the results to each other and Harald. Despite the fact that we used digital cameras, our mentor advised us to print out the pictures in a cheap direct printing service and put the pictures on the table to classify and select interesting motives. In the end of the week we selected from hundrets of pictures sevel motives and put them on big sheets of paper using scissors and glue – every participant created ten collages.
Finally, I’m looking back on a very exciting workshop by a real guru of arts. The time spent together was interesting in two aspects – a very interesting person, a famuos teacher, photographer and artist Harald Mante and his incredible course on photography and especially on the subject of series and sequences. Even if I didn’t manage to create a good sequence, I had the opportunity to see how Harald is selecting pictures and listen to his tips. Thank you Harald!