According to Slontech a new GPS related technology breakthrough may become available. In contrast to GPS live mode, where the coordinates are required in time of receiving (e.G. for navigation scenario) geo-tagging does not require them. As described in Geotagging with GPS Whitepaper the new device could just store the raw GPS signal. Later this […]
In my previous posts I defined a number of use cases I want to process with. Especially, I was interested in GPS Tracking using a mobile phone and already posted about it. I tried to reuse my experiences with GPS Track for another GPS related subject: geo-tagging / geo-coding. The idea behind a geo-coded image […]
Usecase 1.2 As already mentioned in one of the previous posts I’m playing around with GPS technology, trying different use cases. One of them is tracking own position using a GPS Mouse and cell phone. The minimum requirement was to track position data (x,y,z) and store it on a flash card inserted in the cell […]