Yesterday, the second Adam Bien event in Lehmanns Bookstore took place. Again, the event was a full success. I arrived half-an-hour earlier and got a seat only in the tenth row. Adam spoke about new features of EJB 3.1 and Glassfish. He showed examples running on a developer build of Glassfish V3, promising that the features will work without exceptions… Here are some topics, I remember:
- Singleton Beans: usefull a s a central point of the application, e.G. central cache etc…
- Async Methods: allows asynchronous execution of time-consuming methods. Especially, it is possible to abort the execution
- Deploying Beans in WARs: could be helpful for small applications
- Global JNDI-Namespace
- No interface view: simplifies the access to beans, if needed
- EJBCOntainer.getEJBContainer().getContext(): allows external initialization of bean context, which is nice for testing
Later, Adam discussed some Core J2EE patters, that become absolete with EJB 3.1 and others which are still valid. After the talk, I spoke with Adam about the OSGi as a module architecture inside JEE application, which seems interesting to me. The pictures are as usual available in my FlickR Gallery.